# Sam Vidovich's Personal Website > Sam Vidovich is a programmer who grew up in Ohio. During his career he has mostly stuck with cybersecurity vendors for employment, including Finite State and Reach Security. Outside of work, his interests lie mostly with the study of anthropology of the slavic balkan nations, their language, and the practice of old-world cultural crafts. Sam has experience with both Python and JavaScript, though mostly uses Python in a professional setting. He has a lot of experience with cloud technologies, especially around AWS. Sam went to school for Applied Mathematics at Kent State university, graduating with a Bachelor of Science. Sam is an avid collector and reader of books, especially to do with Croatian and Serbian culture, and language learning, too. He'll often post reviews of stores to help people out when they're looking for resources. Sam is an amateur, trained opera singer, leather worker, and "seamster". Sam does his best to provide sources for everything interactive on the site, so if you're interested in the source code or data, it should be available. He's open to communications, too. ## Sam's South-Slavic Resources - [BCMS Language Flash Cards](https://vidovi.ch/assets/flashcards.html): Flashcards for learning Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, and Serbian. This page includes interactive quizzes to help you solidify your knowledge. Add your own lessons, and download the existing ones in several formats. You can change the text between cyrillic and latin to learn! - [Pronounce Dot HTML](https://vidovi.ch/assets/pronounce.html): A simple in-browser application for listening to examples of how letters and words in BCMS sound, intended for learners. - [Sam's BCMS Reference Page](https://vidovi.ch/assets/serbianreference.html): Sam got tired of looking for references for things like cases and case endings, the forms of the word 'Koji', certain irregular nouns and verbs,and more. On this page you'll find consolidated reference material for Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and Montenegrin. - [Verb Conjugation Practice](https://vidovi.ch/assets/conjugationgame.html): A simple game to help you learn BCMS verb conjugation. - [Book Reader](https://vidovi.ch/assets/books.html): An in-browser reader for some Serbian short stories. This only works on a laptop! It lets you save stories off as documents if you prefer a different format. - [Sam's Cultural Library](https://vidovi.ch/assets/library.html): A page where you can download some of the books that Sam has scanned over time. They're usually PDFs. - [Sam's 'Nošnja' Blog](https://vidovi.ch/assets/nosnja.html): Sam occasionally writes here about some of his experiences with national costumes.