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Cultural Library

Here, you can find books about the culture of many of the countries of the Balkans. Please feel free to download and share.

Naš Svijet -- Our World

A collection of magazines from the former Yugoslavia, as I scan them.

Issue 244:
Sarajevo, February 1986

Issue 271:
Bosnia and Hercegovina, May 1988

Narodne Nošnje Jugoslavije

Narodne Nošnje Jugoslavije / Jugoslavian National Costumes

by Vladimir Kirin

This poster book is absolutely gorgeous. The plates are works of art in their own right! You can see the detail in the costumes as you flip through. Costumes are from all regions of the former Yugoslavia. I'm partial to the costumes of Crnagora!

Narodne Nošnje Severo-Zapadne Bosne

Narodne Nošnje Severo-Zapadne Bosne / Northwestern Bosnian National Costumes

by Miroslav V. Draškić

This dissertation reviews in-depth the costumes common to the towns and villages of north-western Bosnia. The costumes of this region are diverse and beautiful! In some cases, careful drawings outline how one might craft the articles for themself. Detailed renditions of embroidery will help you to re-discover the patterns of your heritage!

Narodne Pjesme Korduna

Narodne Pjesme Korduna / National Songs of Kordun

compiled by Stanko Opačić-Ćanica

Two-hundred and seventy-eight poems from Kordun, from the days of the Graničari border guards, to the battles and struggles of World War II. I have not found another source that contains so many of these hymns!

The Liturgy of John Chrysostom: The SSF Green Book

compiled by Dragie Cuculjevich

The compiled works of many composers, but especially of Dragie Cuculjevich who did the compiling ( and some arrangement ), the SSF Green Book is one of the most widely used books of music for the Serbian Orthodox Church in America.

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